It has been a very long time coming. The seasons are out of kilter and flowering is very late. But now the climate is warmer. Things are stirring. People feel better. There is a mood of renewal and a fresh start.

I speak not just of the weather, but more importantly of the property market. It has been a very long winter - about seven years of winter in property terms.

But spring has sprung. In many places around the UK property is coming onto the market in increasing numbers, as sellers see evidence that things are really moving now.

The market is more active now than it has been for years. This is led by low interest rates, an increase in lending, more new home starts and a population fed up with property austerity - whilst feeling a bit more optimistic about life in general.

Sales are being agreed in increasing numbers, and the telephones at my three offices have been red hot lately.

Newer entrants to the estate agency industry, and certainly many of those new internet-based property businesses which have sprung up in the last few years, have never had experience of working in a fast-paced and blossoming market.

All they have known are falling prices, low activity levels and stalemate. But now, instead of merely listing property details on numerous websites and waiting for something to happen, an entirely different set of skills become necessary for estate agents to deal with a busy market where buyers may drop their interest and move on quickly, rather than leaving an offer on the table for several weeks.

What has caused this change? Is it governmental involvement and new initiatives? Although they probably would like everyone to think so, I very much doubt that it is.

Instead, it is ordinary people who are sensing that the time is now right for a move - and even if conditions are not absolutely perfect, they are at least considerably better than they have been for many a year.

But a word of caution. One swallow does not make a summer. We have a little way to go before we can say with full confidence that the market is on a sustained path to recovery.

Homeowners can have short memories when they believe their prized asset may once again be rising in value.

But we know only too well that property prices can go down as well as up. This is a time to step forward boldly - but nevertheless to watch that step carefully.

This is not yet the time for sellers to get bullish with their prices, or for buyers to get into anything that might quickly become unaffordable if another cold wind blows.