Dear Sir,

May I address readers of the Worcester News, whether they are leavers or remainers, with a history of how we got to this life changing  Brexit situation and how history will judge us?  In and about 2016 UKIP were threatening the Tory Governments majority with a very plausible story, if you did' know the facts, blaming the EU of all our countries ills including immigration.The countries ills were really the fault of the Tory Governments austerity measures falling on the NHS, Schools, Policing, Elderly Care and Welfare.

These measures affected the poorer section of our society disproportionally. This is why, in poorer areas, the leave vote was higher.

David Cameron took fright as he was under pressure from the right wing of his party, John Major had called them 'the B....ds', and called a referendum with a simple yes/no to staying in the EU. It was far more complicated than could be answered in those simple terms. After the result Cameron fled the scene as he realised he had opened a 'Pandora's Box'

We are now seeing the true situation with the governments own projections that we will be poorer as a nation under most forms of Brexit. Theresa May for all her hard work and tenacity tried to negotiate a deal that would satisfy both wings of her party, The deal she came up with pleased neither. Many brave Tory MPs, who were remainers and whose electorate voted leave, are saying they are sure their leavers didn't vote to make themselves poorer and I think they have a point.

So here we are at the biggest constitutional crises since WW2 just so that the Tory Party can stay in power and whose leaders have put party before country. Whoever you vote for at the next election can you really support such a bunch?

Terry James

Drakes Broughton