Littletons WI November is Littletons WI’s Annual Meeting and this year we had a nearly full attendance with two Advisors it being Sally Grainger’s first Annual Meeting as an Advisor, and Suzanne Owen came along to support her. The main purpose of this meeting is the election of a new President and Committee for the following year. The singing of Jerusalem was followed by the Treasurer, Secretary and President giving their annual reports and thanks were given to the many members who had helped to make 2018 another successful year. A report on the Annual Council Meeting at Malvern was given by Margaret Potter and last month’s minutes were on the President’s table for members to read. Sally then took over the meeting. She told us a bit about herself and how she became an advisor. The President then raised the subject of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which has caused much concern. Sally was able to resolve a few issues for us. Sally then started the election process and having checked that we had enough members to form a Committee she handed out slips for us to vote for the new President. Margaret Potter was elected as President and the rest of the Committee were voted en bloc. We were given a quiz to complete, just for fun, during supper and social time and our two Advisors “mingled” chatting to members and answering questions. The quiz was a series of fifteen dingbats and although not an easy exercise it caused a lot of sighs and groans when the answers were read out. The competition for the evening was “A Hand-Tied posy of Leaves” and this was won by Rosie McCotter. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 11th December – 6 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. - and this will be our Christmas party when we will have a buffet prepared by Committee members with desserts supplied by volunteers. The competition will be “A Christmas item made by you”. We will then have our Christmas lunch to look forward to at a local hotel and, we hope, an entertaining and interesting programme of events for 2019. For further information on Littletons WI please contact June Lloyd on 01386 830844. See also Margaret Dalton