It’s nearly exam season. Only a few months until we take the most important exams of our lives! Or that’s what teachers keep telling us anyway. They always talk about how these tests will decide the rest of our lives. But that just isn’t true! Obviously, they will help you on the future but if you do not get the grades you want it will not be the end of the world.

Many students fear failing the exams because they think that they only have one shot at passing. However, if you do not succeed at first you can retake them after high school. Teachers constantly counting down the weeks is honestly one of the things that stresses us out most. To get the best grades possible students need to be relaxed and not have so much pressure put on us at such a young age.

Whilst getting the results we want is important our mental health at this time year is also very important to think about. In 2021 a survey discovered that 64% of UK students have difficulty sleeping due to anxiety surrounding school ( Sleep is essential for humans to function, without it we cannot concentrate or focus. If you are replacing sleep with revision or stress how will you be able to focus the next day?

It is important that students know that they are not alone, students all over the country are experiencing the same exam stress. There are multiple ways to keep your mental health strong, for example:

-If you are keen to revise, revise with other people. This allows you to keep social instead of feeling isolated.

-Do some exercise. You don’t have to do extreme activities. Going on a walk is just fine as it allows you to have time away from revision and the thought of exams.

-Take revision breaks. Taking short breaks in between your revision allows you to relax for a moment and let the information sink in. It also give you the opportunity to get a snack/drink.

-Get a hobby. Having a hobby allows you to have time to do something you enjoy. It keeps your mind off of revision and exams.

Just remember that these exams aren’t the end of everything. You should have time to unwind and to forget about them. You can always talk to your family and friends. Your teachers can also give you extra support/guidance. If you do not feel comfortable speaking to these people there are organisations set up to help you, such as:

- CALM (

- Mind (

- Young minds (

Don’t forget to stay calm during the exam and not to stress too much whilst revising!