SIR – Your editorial rant against the writer of the letter, Shameful Act, was in itself quite shameful.

First, you did not need to print the letter if you were only going to oppose it yourself. That is your prerogative as editor.

Secondly you display a disregard for the facts of the historical situation which the writer was criticising.

The action of the MEPs who rudely turned their backs while the European anthem was being played by a group of young people, was a direct emulation of a similar act of the National Socialist party who turned their backs on a speaker in the Reichstag in 1930; a scene which was photographed with Joseph Goebbels himself taking part in the protest.

One can truly describe their actions as hypocritical for the MEPs were elected to represent the interests of the British electorate in the European parliament, and are happy to take the salary and pension entitlement from an organisation which they profess to despise.

Finally, you are editor of a local paper which should concern itself primarily with matters of local interest: the actions of the local councils.

You are not a William Rees-Mogg or Basil Boothroyd  pontificating on matters of national interest. Wait till you are the editor of the Telegraph, for example, before you can do that!

Pam Stanier

Malvern Wells