SHOPPERS evacuated Worcester's CrownGate centre today after an accident set off a fire alarm.

Most people in the shopping centre left the area after the alarm sounded at around 2.30pm, although the area was not officially evacuated.

The alarm was set off for around eight minuted when a contractor working in the building accidentally knocked a fire alarm box next to a lift.

It was clear there was no risk of fire so the fire service did not attend.

West Mercia Police also confirmed they were not involved.

Mark Biddle was working to promote Hyundai in Bell Square in CrownGate when the alarm sounded.

He said: "It all lasted for about 20 minutes. All the shops and the people evacuated.

"The fire alarm went off and everyone was a bit confused at first. Then there was an announcement over the tannoy but people couldn't really hear it over the alarm.

"Most people in the shops were pretty clued up and ushered everyone out.

"After about 20 minutes the security guards told everyone to come back in."

Tom Moore is the owner of Reefs said the fire alarms going off was something that happened from time to time at the shopping centre.

"It occasionally goes off," he said. "We didn't have anyone in at the time so we didn't have to evacuate anyone."

Next door at Rise, Sam Jones, assistant manager, said the incident had gone on for around 20 minutes.

"The customers just responded to the alarm," he said. "We just closed the shop and left. It's routine when there is a fire alarm to evacuate.

"It can range in time from 10 minutes to 40 minutes. We heard someone saying it was an accident."

This was confirmed by shopping centre manager Ramsey Floyd, who said: "A contractor knocked a break glass box next to a lift so we had to isolate that.

"There wasn't an incident to make it happen it was just an accident.

"The alarm sounded from 2.30pm for eight minutes.

"People do react when an alarm goes off but it wasn't a full evacuation."