THE meeting was opened by Carol with a tribute to Audrey Hodgson who died recently.

Audrey was a stalwart member of the WI for many years.

She served on the committee and was very involved in the Produce Show.

A few minutes’ silence was held.

Mary presented Carol with the president’s badge. Carol welcomed Janice Boswell to this evening’s meeting. Apologies were read out.

Anne gave a report on the Produce Show held in August.

It was a resounding success and a marvellous day. There were more entries this year and more people attended. We made approximately £477.00.

Anne thanked the committee for all their help.

Before Anne sat down Carol thanked her for putting the Produce Show together again this year. It involves a lot of work and commitment and Anne works very hard to make it a success.

There will be discussions as to what to do with some of the money made. Perhaps funding speakers, more outings, etc.

Sheila held a MacMillan Coffee Morning on Friday, September 25, in the Football Clubhouse from 10 am-noon.

The Autumn Group meeting is being held at Beaconside Centre Rubery on October 8 at 7.30 pm The annual council meeting is in Malvern on Tuesday, October 20.

We are organising a lunch at Bodenham Arboretum on October 21. Can we have numbers please at the October meeting?

Our speaker this evening was Ruth Lowe on Mary Quant Ruth gave us some details on the life of Mary Quant. She was born in 1934 and came from Welsh mining stock. Her parents were school teachers and they lived in Blackheath, London.

During the war Mary was evacuated to Kent. To pass the time she, and her brother, went to investigate crashed planes to get souvenirs, one of which was a pilot’s finger, this they preserved in vinegar – very gruesome.

Apparently during her childhood she attended 16 different schools. She gained a scholarship for Goldsmiths College.

She married Alexander Plunket-Greene who was also her business partner and had one son.

All the time Ruth was giving us this information my eyes were drawn to the rail of Mary Quant clothes she had brought with her. If I was younger (a lot younger) and at least one size smaller, I would wear several of the clothes there. I particularly had my eye on a nice little jacket with a pinched in waist (deep breath in and hold it).

The competition, 1960’s fashion photo, was won by Sheila Morris.

The raffle was won by Isobel Pearman, 2nd Audrey Reynolds, 3rd Karen Winters.

The next meeting is on October 14 in Fairfield Village Hall at 7.30pm. The speaker is David Clark on “sentenced to beyond the seas”. Do come along you will be very welcome.