MARY extended a warm welcome and wished members of Fairfield WI a happy New Year and hoped they had all had a good Christmas.

Jerusalem was sung and the minutes of the previous meeting read out. The Christmas party was a great success and everyone enjoyed it.

This year, it was decided to have a cheese and wine evening.

A toast was made at the party to absent friends.

The entertainment was the Merlin Singers and members participated with the singing.

The first prize for a Gift Wrap Parcel went to Sheila Morris, second Ellen Crawford.

The group meeting is being held in Fairfield on March 27.

A trip to the Artrix Centre, on December 18, to see the pantomime, was enjoyed by everyone able to go and it was felt the group should try and go there more often.

Angie read out the results of the Competition Cup 2013 – first Sheila Morris, second Barbara Lees and third Ellen Crawford. Well done everyone.

Members were told the February meeting would include a recycling table for unwanted gifts, and were invited to bring along anything they had had for Christmas that they did not want.

The annual meal this year was to be on February 26 at The Gate, in Bournheath.

The produce show is being held on August 16 and the first committee meeting was on January 29.

The WI Centenary Baton will be in Hagley, Bromsgrove and Weatheroak on September 15.

The speaker for the evening was Mary Coleman, on Making Bobbin Lace.

This has been Mary’s hobby for 20 years.

It is thought bobbin lace making started in the 15th or 16th century for great houses in Belgium and Italy. It was very expensive and had to be worn if presented to court.

Apparently, royalty sold land to buy lace. Peasants made the lace for rich people and the church. Needle lace was more expensive – men wore this and woman wore a cheaper version.

Mary showed some of her work and demonstrated how bobbin lace is done. Lengths of thread are wound on bobbins on a lace pillow. To manage them as work progresses, weaving is held in place with pins.

It didn’t seem to grow very fast but she did point out that it could be quite addictive.

Members were very interested in the process of bobbin lace and Mary spent quite some time showing her skills and answering questions.

She told the group there is a museum in Stourbridge which holds lace exhibitions, and they are well worth a visit.

The vote of thanks was given to Mary by Brenda.

The competition of Nostalgic Lace was won by Beverly Cotterill, second Beverly again and third Pauline Wilkes.

The raffle was won by Valerie Bradford and Margaret Rowley.

The meeting on February 12 hosted P Pinkerton who spoke on Indian Massage.