SIR – Your correspondent John Shearon wonders if trade unions have learned nothing from the 1980s and cites the miners and British Leyland strikes (Worcester News, June 25).

The miners strike of 1984/85 was in defence of jobs and the future of the industry, not for “big bonuses”.

I think they were right to try to stop the Tory government wrecking the coal industry and if the miners had won, those jobs would be a benefit for the young unemployed now.

As regards British Leyland, one of the causes of failure was lack of investment.

I do not want to annoy Mr Shearon but many transport workers have got bonuses for working during the Olympics.

The bosses of transport firms have too.

After all, the Games are costing £9 billion and the bonuses are some recognition of the extra stress transport workers will be under.

Strikes by transport workers have taken place after legal ballots, under the most restrictive anti-union laws in Europe.

I say it is high time trade unions stood up for their members.

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition