SIR – I totally agree with letter from Matthew Jenkins ‘Adult social care has to be protected’ (Worcester News, June 12).

He raised many of the concerns I have about the proposals to change social care in the county due to the funding cuts from the Government.

I, too, would strongly advise any carer with elderly relatives, or with children who are now young adults with disabilities (whether physical, learning disability or mental health difficulties) to make every effort to attend the consultation meetings because you could be in the position of having to pay substantial amounts towards the cost of their care.

Plus, in the case of those living independently in the community with support such as home care, the council may suggest instead that a cheaper option for the client would be for them to be living in a community home type situation with other residents.

I attended the consultation meeting Matthew mentioned in his letter [at Perdiswell Young People’s Leisure Club on June 12] and I was very concerned about the proposals.

The other concern I had was that there were no consultation events planned at all for south Worcestershire.

Surely Pershore and Evesham are just as important as Kidderminster, Redditch and Worcester?

The next meeting planned is on Tuesday at Perdiswell Young People’s Leisure Centre from 10.30am-12.30pm.

If you cannot make it then look on the county council’s website for further details or telephone 01905 766929.

The closing date for consultation is soon so make every effort to attend one of these consultation events.

Whether we like it or not these cuts are coming, so it’s no use moaning afterwards.
