SIR – Contrary to the claim by B Jones (March 27), neither pro or anti have monopolised the hunting debate in the Worcester News. Both sides have every opportunity to air their views and question the opposition.

However, the regular use by the anti-hunting brigade of wild allegations and false information continues to expose their failing argument to retain the hunting ban. A prime example being the claim by B Jones that “everyone knows there are more foxes living in urban areas than in the country”.

In fact, Government figures show the urban fox makes up only 14 per cent of the total population.

B Jones is correct on one important point, the Hunting Act is almost impossible to enforce and the High Court, the Crown Prosecution Service and the police are of the same opinion.

Also, a good many politicians who voted for the Act now admit it is muddled and virtually unworkable. Unfortunately, these same MPs have yet to accept the need to repeal the ban and replace it with legislation based on real animal welfare and sound conservation.

The chances of this happening just now are extremely slim.

Jon Burgess,