SIR – Perhaps Brian Hunt has been drinking too much cheap booze. He wants to protect the “lower waged working class and the poor” from the government chief medical officer’s suggested increase in alcohol prices (Worcester News, March 20.

He thinks that a better answer would be to prohibit supermarkets from selling alcohol but that would make it even harder for the people he cares about to buy drinks at affordable prices.

Brian really ought to check the facts before inflicting your readers with his usual anti-Labour prejudices. He suggests that it was a Labour council in Worcester which extended the licensing hours but the Conservatives were actually in charge at the time.

It seems unlikely that Sir Liam’s ideas will be put into effect but I think he is making sensible suggestions.

There are still far too many irresponsible licensees of pubs, clubs and off-licences in Worcester selling alcohol to under-age drinkers without requiring proof of age and this adds to the anti-social behaviour frequently seen on Worcester streets.

If we enforced the existing law we might not need to put the prices up.

Councillor for Rainbow Hill, member of licensing committee.