YOUNGSTERS at a Droitwich school are urging town businesses to dig deep and donate cash for their end of year prom.

Students at Droitwich Spa High School, in Briar Mill, are looking for businesses to help sponsor their Year 11 leaving prom, which is set to take place in July.

More than 160 students and 20 teachers are due to attend the traditional prom, which marks the end of school life for the youngsters but it needs the support of Spa businesses to make it go with a bang.

The sponsorship will be put towards things including the cost of decorations, food, music and the venue, which is Worcester Rugby Club.

Businesses donating money will be referred to on posters advertising the event, in the programme and sponsors will also be announced on the night.

Year 11 prom committee vice-chairman Katie Hodgetts said: "All of the money donated to the cause will be greatly received and will be a big help.

"We have some funding already from the sale of the tickets but sponsorship will help to pay for the extra things to make our prom really special."

If you would like to donate money to the Spa youngsters for their prom you can make your cheques payable to 'Year 11 Prom'. They can be sent to Droitwich Spa High School, Briar Mill, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire, W99 0AA and a letter will be sent acknowledging receipt.