COMPLAINTS about offensive and unusual smells in Redditch have been flooding in to mystified environmental health officers.

Scores of residents have called officers based at the town hall complaining about a smell of cat urine in Matchborough and a smell of chlorine in and around Arrow Valley Park.

Bur despite investigations the source of both smells is still baffling the experts, who are now turning to townsfolk for help.

Environmental health officer Steve Webster said: "There are two different smells. It could be a new process taking place at a factory we don't know about but dozens of people have phoned us up to complain."

Mr Webster said smells were very difficult to deal with because, unless they were visible, a sample couldn't be taken and they couldn't be easily tracked down.

Mr Webster added: " It can also depend on the weather and if the wind changes direction. It's been going on for weeks and it's got to the point where we need people to help us locate the source.

"People have said the smells are offensive so we have to treat it as a nuisance. People might have their own ideas about the smells' source."

Anyone with any information can call Mr Webster on 64252.