BREDON HANCOCK'S ENDOWED FIRST SCHOOL: The Gardening Club has put itself on the local map with vengeance. Fund-raising by the enthusiastic Morag Potter and Joanne Hill, with the help of other mothers and children, has achieved an amount of funds to really make a mark. For Mothering Sunday, bowls of primulas were sold in school, and also in Draper's Shop. This yielded a healthy £210 profit. This week, a coffee morning in Kinsham raised a further £200. The Flower Guild of St Giles Church has donated £25 as has the tea and coffee group at the church. The Friends of Bredon Hancocks has donated £50.

Already the 'crown' of the Golden Jubilee Garden has been laid out, and half-barrels from Minchew's Cider will be filled with flowers to represent the jewels. A wish list of plants includes Ajuga reptans (bugle) hostas, geraniums, hellebores, ferns, alchemilla mollis, geranium Johnson's blue, bearded iris (blue or yellow) penstemons and lavenders. If you have any spares to offer of any of these, please phone 773256 or 773518.

PLAY AREA: The expensive safety surfaces, costing us almost half the total of the project, are now in place. Soon the picket fence will be up, and we shall be ready for business.