YOUTH PROJECT: The recently-formed Girls' Group who now meet regularly in St James' Church on Tuesday evenings under the leadership of Vickie Edwards will be breaking fresh ground on Saturday week with an innovative Easter celebration. This will be an ecumenical Christian service rather than an entertainment (though with a modern touch) and its main focus will be worship and thanksgiving. The evening will include the group's first-ever drama production and will end with the serving of tea, coffee and hot-cross buns in the village hall on Saturday at 7.30pm. There will be no entrance charge but donations towards covering the cost of the event will be gratefully received, any excess going into group funds. Vickie, who is about to do the finals of her degree course at Birmingham University, is the fiance of Neil Dunlop the youth leader and, with him and the volunteers who help them, does excellent work with many young people of the village. She and Neil are to be married this summer and are looking for accommodation in or near Harvington.

HATS: The AGM of the Theatrical Society will take place in the village hall on Thursday, April 11, starting at 8pm. It is open to anyone who is interested in finding out more about their activities, and with strong rumours that something exciting is being planned for the Jubilee period, these could be worth becoming involved in.

ST JAMES' CHURCH: A party of at least 20 people spent all morning giving the church a special Spring clean and they were thanked for their efforts by churchwarden Ken Rowlands before the start of Sunday morning's service. Next Sunday, which is Palm Sunday, sees the St James' congregation playing host to the other three congregations from the churches of the ARCH benefice. Please note that when there is a united Eucharist of this type, the service is at a later time - 10.45am. Visitors will be welcome. Readers are also asked to be aware that on Good Friday a special devotional service will be held at 11am, after which it is hoped that everyone will make their way to the village hall to support the Lenten soup-and-bread lunch which will be served from 12noon until 2pm, the proceeds going to the Church of England's Children's Society. The regular churchyard clean-up sessions will start again next Saturday morning and anyone who feels they can give an hour's help is asked to report to the organiser, Bob Young, at 9.30am. An appeal goes out to all the younger, able-bodied men of the village who would be doing the church a great service by giving some help with the heavy work which faces the clear-up parties at the start of the season. Tickets are now on sale for the social/skittles evening planned for Friday, April 12 at The Coach and Horses, starting at 7.30pm and the ticket price of £6 includes a buffet supper. Play will be competitive but on an individual basis - no teams - with prizes for the highest-scoring man and woman. Enquiries to Sue Coley 870204.