TENNIS CLUB: The well-attended AGM was held recently in the playing field pavilion. The retiring chairman Jeremy Snowden in his report commented on the healthy position both regarding playing and finances. The club was now affiliated to the Lawn Tennis Association so was helped by the ensuing benefits including playing matches against local clubs and participating in leagues.

The courts were playing well and the chairman said how well they were maintained by the groundsman Mr Derek Roberts.

Finance was raised both for the club (to eventually be in a position to replace the court carpet) and for village projects such as the village hall debt and to assist in funds for the drainage scheme for the playing field.

Young people were still taken for coaching and he complimented both the organiser and coach helping in this important aspect of the club.

Mr Snowden then reported that the president Peter Young could no longer be president as he was now living in Spain. Dick Shurey was elected as the new president and conducted the next part of the business of the meeting. Mr Shurey said how honoured he felt to be elected by a club for which he had such high regard.

The new chairman elected was Victor Matts and new committee members Gordon Lyon and Charles Rice. Clive Tinson is the new membership secretary.

The treasurer, Malcolm Lowe, said that subscriptions were down although the membership stood at about 300. The long-term investments of the club were sound. Membership subs and charges for use of the courts were modestly raised but it was still agreed that membership was good value.

It was reported that competitive matches had been enjoyable and quite successful although few lady members had been keen to play in doubles. The juniors had had a good year and the coach Sue Rice was praised for her work and enthusiasm. Tammy Clifford was taking over from June Armstrong as junior organiser. Other sports using the courts were on Wednesday evenings (football and rugby) and Saturday mornings (children's football run by Andrew Owen).

Several questions were raised as 'any other business' including suggestions how to improve the facilities offered by the club. These could entail further lottery applications as it was felt there was still central funding available.

After the meeting there was a social cheese and wine get-together.