CAMERAS have been panning in on Kidderminster Harriers in recent weeks for a documentary being produced by two university students.

The football club has come into sharp focus as part of a project undertaken by Harriers' fan Nick Hatton and his Aberystwyth University colleague Marisa Viola.

The students, both 22, who are in the final year of a film and TV studies degree, spent three months researching the idea and then two weeks' filming at the club.

They spoke to fans, Harriers' boss Jan Molby, Independent Supporters Association chairman Alan Shepherd , media manager Steve Thomas, plus Chris Williams and Trevor Owens from BBC Hereford and Worcester radio.

Nick, who has supported the club for 12 years and whose parents Melvin and Hilary live at Astley Cross, said:"Everyone was very co-operative and Jan Molby gave us a 20-minute interview.

"The project was a natural one for me as a Harriers fan and the idea was to try to find out why fans supported a small club like the Harriers as opposed to bigger clubs like Wolves, Albion or Villa .

"The main conclusion was that fans liked the cosier, more family-orientated feel about the place.

"We didn't know when we started of course that the club was to become the subject of much more media attention when chairman Lionel Newton announced his resignation and although that is not something we have become involved in it is certainly worrying for me as a Harriers' fan."

Nick and Marisa are now busy trying to edit five hours' of video tape into a documentary lasting 10-12 minutes.

It will be shown for the first time at the university in June and if it impresses may be submitted as an entry to a nationwide students' competition. Some club officials have already placed orders for the video.