I WAS disappointed to read a letter from Clara Slater (Your Letters, March 8) chair of Malvern Hills Agenda 21, which is somewhat premature.

The results of the Vision 21 survey, conducted by the Malvern Hills Community Planning Partnership, have not yet been fully analysed. When that is completed an action plan will be formed and Malvern Hills Agenda 21 will be able to influence what recommendations are contained within that plan.

It is also disappointing to read a number of residents are still unclear with regard to the new policy for refuse collection.

No-one is required to place refuse on the pavement. They are asked to leave it within their property close to the front. Anyone not able to do so, for whatever reason, is asked to contact Malvern Hills District Council.

COUN ALEC WALL, Bank Street, Stoke Bliss, Tenbury Wells.