A NATIONAL Lottery grant distributor has hit a major landmark for handing out cash to good causes.

The New Opportunities Fund reached the £2bn mark yesterday, with its support for educational after supporting thousands of health and environmental projects across the country.

And Worcestershire has been a grateful recipient of the money over the last four years, receiving almost £1.5m to improve facilities in county hospitals and schools.

"Today's landmark represents a remarkable achievement for groups and organisations who have seized the opportunity to use Lottery proceeds for local communities," said Jill Pitkeathley, chairman of the fund.

"But while we can be pleased with the success, much remains to be done to advance the goals of social inclusion, equality and diversity. Our primary focus will be delivering Lottery funding as effectively as possible."

The fund was launched in 1998 and has contributed to many local causes.

They include six separate donations for cancer care equipment totalling £226,792, six contributions to lifelong learning amounting to £271,175 and £500,000 for educational services.