THE bring-and-buy sale last month went very well and raised a considerable amount of money for the club.

Two of our members are not at all well and we wish them speedy recoveries and hope they will be back with us very soon.

Marjorie Sayers is to be made an honorary member for length of service and loyalty to the club.

Cheltenham was warm and sunny for our visit last month and we are all looking forward to the next outing on July 3 to Western-Super-mare, leaving Church Road at 9am. Our thanks go to organiser Edna Milton.

The speaker this month was Joy Pinder, who gave a wonderful afternoon of entertainment with a talk entitled Lunch at Buckingham Palace. We could have listened for a lot longer to the goings-on at the palace.

The next meeting will be on May 22 at 2pm in the Ecumenical Centre.