RESIDENTS have helped raised thousands of pounds for a much-needed stairlift at a Malvern community centre. 

A total of £39,643 was raised to help improve accessibility at the Malvern Cube Community Centre. 

The “Give us a lift!” fundraiser was set up using the Malvern District Council’s Spacehive Scheme and marked the 10th anniversary celebrations for the charity. 

The lift – which has recently started to be installed - will benefit those with disabilities, parents with pushchairs and visitors carrying heavy loads. 

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Colin George, architect and trustee, said: "With so many good things happening here, we are determined to ensure that all Cube users can get around the centre safely and easily. 

"The money for the lift was raised as part of the District Council's Spacehive Scheme, and we are hugely grateful to them and to the many people and groups who were so generous." 

The lift is hoped to be completed by the end of January.