AN Ice Age ‘lost world’ will be brought to life in an online talk by Stonehenge expert Professor Vince Gaffney on Monday, February 21.

Lost beneath the North Sea more than 8000 years ago, the sunken Doggerland archipelago connected Britain to continental Europe, and was home to lions, mammoths, and early humans.

More than 65,000km of Doggerland has now been mapped by the ERC-funded Europe’s Lost Frontiers project, revealing ancient coasts, lakes, and hills long lost to time.

Drawing on the latest evidence from science and archaeology, Prof Gaffney’s talk will cast new light on the rise and fall of this remarkable prehistoric landscape.

The online Zoom talk has been organised by the Worcestershire Archaeological Society, and takes place at 7.30pm. Attendance is free for members, with a suggested £2 donation for non-members.

Registration is via Eventbrite by clicking here.