HUNDREDS of people visited the Droitwich Heritage and Information Centre recently to see an exhibition on the two world wars.

The ‘War Time Experience’ exhibition, which ran from March 4-8 gave visitors the opportunity to get close up to items from both the First and Second World Wars, even trying on some of the outfits.

The exhibition came courtesy of Mike Egan, a collector of artefacts from both world wars and a keen historian, who was on hand throughout the exhibition to answer visitors questions and demonstrate some of what life was like for the soldiers.

Sarah Davis from the centre, said: “It was very well received by everybody who came. Mike was very happy to speak to everybody, and he was there the whole time. He’s very proud of his collection there was a little bit for everybody. He even agreed to do bits of research for several people. We would certainly be happy to have him back. and I think he would come again, maybe next year. He’s very busy this year with the anniversary of the First World War.”

Several schools made a visit to the exhibition and volunteers were loaded up with the full uniform and equipment ready to head off to the trenches, just so that they could see how heavy it all was. They also got a chance to see the sort of rations soldiers were given, and how different their diet would have been from the convenience food of today.

The centre shows several exhibitions throughout the year, and its next will be focussing on the radio in July, to mark the 80th anniversary of radio masts being erected. For more information contact the centre on 01905 774312.